Virtual Dedicated Servers

Unleash Your Online Potential
with Our Fully Managed Virtual Dedicated Server Packages

Designed for businesses and individuals seeking reliable and lightning-fast server performance, our servers deliver unbeatable speed and uptime. With customizable packages to fit your unique needs, you can trust us to provide the perfect solution for your online operations.

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Why Managed VDS?


Virtual Dedicated Servers offer superior security compared to shared hosting because they provide exclusive access to your server resources. With dedicated resources, you don’t have to worry about other users on the same resources compromising your data or applications. Additionally, you have full control over your server’s security settings, giving you the flexibility to tailor your security measures to your specific needs.


When it comes to performance, dedicated servers are the ultimate choice. With dedicated resources such as processing power, RAM, and storage, your server can handle even the most demanding workloads with ease. You’ll enjoy lightning-fast speeds, increased website responsiveness, and minimal downtime. Additionally, with dedicated servers, you have the flexibility to customize your server environment to your unique needs, allowing you to optimize your applications and achieve peak performance.

Fully Managed

Our expert team manages your server AND your website, ensuring it’s always up-to-date with the latest security patches, firewall updates, and exploit protections. You’ll also receive two hours of content updates per month, where we can assist with text, images, links, and more. Additionally, we offer support for landing page creation.

Why Managed Virtual Dedicated Servers Outshine Shared Hosting for Business Websites

In the digital age, where your website often serves as the first interaction point between your business and potential customers, performance, reliability, and security are not just perks—they're necessities.…
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Professional Site Migration

Let our expert team migrate your website for you at no charge!‡
We'll handle all the complicated stuff so you don't have to!
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2 Free Hours / Month Content Updates

Our web design team is available to handle content updates and assist with the construction of new/landing pages. 2 man-hours are included each month.†

Choose Your Server

Switch Pricing




NVMe Storage


Estimated Concurrent Users: 150-300

VDS:L (Yearly)

4 Cores



*$108.29 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 50-150

VDS:M (Yearly)

2 Cores



*$91.63 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 300-600

VDS:XL (Yearly)

8 Cores



*$133.30 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 600-1000+

VDS:XXL (Yearly)

12 Cores



*$166.63 / month





NVMe Storage


Estimated Concurrent Users: 150-300

VDS:L (Monthly)

4 Cores



$129.95 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 50-150

VDS:M (Monthly)

2 Cores



$109.95 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 300-600

VDS:XL (Monthly)

8 Cores



$159.95 / month

Estimated Concurrent Users: 600-1000+

VDS:XXL (Monthly)

12 Cores



$199.95 / month


Virtual Dedicated Server Features

Unlimited Traffic


1Gbit/s Multi-Redundant

Dedicated IP Address

Firewall Management

Administrative Logs

High-Performance Data Centers

ISO 27001 certified

Linux (Standard)

Ubuntu 22.04

Plesk Hosting Control Panel

*Monthly price shown for comparison only, annual plans will be billed at full annual price.

†Design work greater than 2 hours is billed at $80/hr. All additional charges will be discussed and agreed upon.
We will never bill you without your permission.

‡Professional installation is complimentary for Managed Virtual Dedicated Server plans only. (the plans on this page)
Our team will require access to your domain registrar (such as GoDaddy) and your current web hosting.

Click Here for more info on Professsional Site Migration


Don’t hesitate to ask! We’re here to help.

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Why Managed Virtual Dedicated Servers Outshine Shared Hosting for Business Websites

In the digital age, where your website often serves as the first interaction point between your business and potential customers, performance, reliability, and security are not just perks—they’re necessities. While shared hosting might seem appealing due to its lower cost, managed virtual dedicated servers (VDS) offer a suite of advantages that can significantly elevate your business’s online presence. Here’s why opting for a VDS could be one of the best decisions for your business website.

1. Performance and Speed

Shared Hosting: On shared hosting, multiple websites reside on a single server, sharing its resources like CPU, memory, and disk space. This setup can lead to a “bad neighbor effect,” where one resource-intensive site can slow down others on the same server. During peak traffic times or if another site experiences a surge, your website’s performance can suffer, leading to slower load times.

Managed VDS: A virtual dedicated server allocates specific resources solely for your use. This isolation ensures that your website’s performance remains consistent, even during high traffic periods or when running resource-heavy applications. For businesses running paid ads, where every second of load time can affect conversion rates, this stability is crucial. Faster websites not only improve user experience but also boost SEO rankings.

2. Enhanced Security

Shared Hosting: Security in a shared environment is as strong as its weakest link. If another site on your server is compromised, there’s a potential risk to your site as well. Moreover, shared hosting often comes with limitations on security configurations.

Managed VDS: With a VDS, you have your own environment. This setup allows for customized security protocols tailored to your business needs. From firewalls to intrusion detection systems, you can implement higher security measures. Additionally, since you’re not sharing space, the risk of cross-site contamination is significantly reduced.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

Shared Hosting: Growth can be a double-edged sword with shared hosting. As your business expands, your website might outgrow the resources provided, leading to the need for migration, which can be cumbersome.

Managed VDS: VDS solutions are inherently scalable. You can easily upgrade resources like RAM, CPU, or storage without migrating to a new server. This flexibility ensures your website can handle increased traffic or additional functionalities as your business grows, without downtime or the hassle of moving hosts.

4. Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run

While the upfront cost of a managed VDS is higher than shared hosting, consider the potential revenue loss from a slow or down website:

  • Impact on Paid Advertising: If you’re investing in paid ads, every visitor counts. A single lost potential customer due to slow loading times or downtime can cost more than the price difference between shared hosting and a VDS. For instance, if your average customer lifetime value is $500, losing just one customer per month due to performance issues effectively covers the cost difference.
  • SEO and User Experience: Google and other search engines penalize slow websites. A faster, more reliable site not only retains visitors but also improves your search engine rankings, leading to more organic traffic.

Conclusion: The Smart Choice with SoDak Hosting’s VDS Solutions

Choosing the right hosting for your business website isn’t just about immediate costs; it’s about investing in your business’s future. With SoDak Hosting’s managed Virtual Dedicated Server, you’re not just getting a hosting solution; you’re securing a foundation for growth, security, and unparalleled performance. Tailored to meet the demands of modern businesses, SoDak Hosting’s VDS ensures that your website operates at peak efficiency, safeguarding your online presence against the pitfalls of shared environments. Make the switch today, and propel your business forward with confidence, knowing that your digital infrastructure is as robust and dynamic as your business ambitions.

How does Site Migration work?

There are two primary ways to migrate your Wordpress based website, and the method used will depend on your current hosting. The end result from both methods is the same. The following guide has a fairly technical breakdown followed up by a TLDR (too long, didn’t read) at the bottom of each section if you just want the gist.

File & Database Export/Import

Migrating your WordPress site using the File & Database Export/Import method involves manually transferring your website’s files and database to our hosting servers. This process includes:

    Exporting Files: We use an FTP client to download all your WordPress files from the current server. This includes themes, plugins, and uploads.
    Exporting Database: We access your database through a tool like phpMyAdmin to export the SQL database file.
    Importing Files: We then upload your WordPress files to the new hosting server via FTP.
    Importing Database: Finally, we use phpMyAdmin to import the SQL database into the new server’s database.

This method ensures a complete and accurate transfer of your website, maintaining all your content and settings.


We manually transfer your WordPress site files and database to our servers.

Wordpress Backup/Export Plugin

For a more streamlined migration, the WordPress Backup/Export Plugin method is efficient and user-friendly. Using a tool like All-in-One WP Migration, you can:

  • Export Site: We install the plugin on your current WordPress site and use it to create a comprehensive backup that includes files, themes, plugins, and database.
  • Import Site: Then we set up a fresh WordPress installation on our servers and install the same plugin. Use the plugin to import the backup file, seamlessly transferring your entire site.

This approach simplifies the migration process, reducing the technical steps involved and ensuring a smooth transition.


We use a Wordpress plugin we would install on your current site to export your site and import it into a new WordPress installation on our servers.

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