Dedicated Servers

Unleash Your Online Potential
with Our Dedicated Server Packages

Designed for businesses and individuals seeking reliable and lightning-fast server performance, our servers deliver unbeatable speed and uptime. With customizable packages to fit your unique needs, you can trust us to provide the perfect solution for your online operations.

Select A Server

Why Dedicated?


Dedicated servers offer superior security compared to shared hosting because they provide exclusive access to your server resources. With dedicated resources, you don’t have to worry about other users on the same server compromising your data or applications. Additionally, you have full control over your server’s security settings, giving you the flexibility to tailor your security measures to your specific needs.


When it comes to performance, dedicated servers are the ultimate choice. With dedicated resources such as processing power, RAM, and storage, your server can handle even the most demanding workloads with ease. You’ll enjoy lightning-fast speeds, increased website responsiveness, and minimal downtime. Additionally, with dedicated servers, you have the flexibility to customize your server environment to your unique needs, allowing you to optimize your applications and achieve peak performance.

Choose Your Server






Business Premium Managed VDS (Monthly)

Business Premium Managed VDS (Yearly)

Dedicated Server Features

Unlimited Traffic


1Gbit/s Multi-Redundant

Dedicated IP Address

Firewall Management

Administrative Logs

High-Performance Data Centers

ISO 27001 certified

Linux (Standard)

Debian 10
Debian 11
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04

Plesk Hosting Control Panel

*Monthly price shown for comparison only, annual plans will be billed at full annual price.


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